Great Quote about History: Last Man Standing

Outdoor Man is putting on a Buffalo Bill show except Mike--who runs the PR department--rejects the use of historically accurate terminology. He isn't being politically correct. He simply doesn't mistake the event for anything other than what it is: an advertising campaign. 

Ed protests. The original script is "authentic."

Mike replies, "Yeah, but protestors are rarely interested in facts. And unfortunately we don't get picketed by angry historians."

I love this line because...Wouldn't it be great if venues did get picketed by angry historians?! 

Instead of whining because something is offensive, these picketing historians would march about demanding, "Uncertainty! Offensive material! Archaic terms! Ambiguous historical personages! Wrongheaded perspectives! Actual documentation rather than slathering contemporary theories that don't take reality and human nature into account! NO 'right side of history.' Context! Full context! Real history now! Love it!!"

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