Great Golden Girls Moment

I comment in an earlier post that although Golden Girls has hilarious moments in Seasons 1-4, after Season 5 the humor ratchets up to a new level of outrageous satire and off-the-wall commentary.

One of the truly out-there moments occurs in Season 6, "Mrs. George Devereaux." An excellent episode in its own right, guest-starring the charming George Grizzard as Blanche's late husband, the episode contains a hilarious non sequitur.

It is delivered by Rose, of course:
Rose: Someone was actually able to deceive me once. St. Olaf's most famous OB/MAG. Obstetrician/magician. The Amazing Shapiro. He delivered Bridget. But it was so confusing. "It's a girl! Now it's a dove! Now it's a glass of milk!" I don't know how he got her in that deck of cards, but there she was, right after the King of Hearts. "Is this your baby?"
Of course, Betty White delivers this...extended metaphor?...with notable BBC panache. And a straight face. There's a reason she was nominated seven times while on Golden Girls for Outstanding Leading Actress in a Comedy Series (won once).

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