Mike Rowe on The Ben Shapiro Show

One of my absolute favorite moments in all of YouTube comes during Mike Rowe's appearance on Ben Shapiro's show. For those of you not in the know, Ben Shapiro does his own advertisements. He will turn to the camera and talk about, well, whatever (many YouTubers use YouTube-supplied advertisements). The first time this happens, it's a tad disconcerting.

During Mike Rowe's guest appearance on the show, right after the first or second spiel, Rowe becomes possibly the first guest ever to address what Shapiro is doing. And he approves.

And I love him for it!

I get tired of commenters on YouTube who fuss about the commercial nature of the videos blah blah blah. Where do they think all this free stuff comes from? How would it be possible for people like Shapiro and Rubin to even operate as successfully and consistently and publicly as they do if they were making the videos in their free time after performing jobs that pay the rent and feed the family? Do purists even think about that stuff? Or do they imagine the rest of the world is supposed to foot the bill that will give them what they want whenever they want for free?

As Mike Rowe says, "We're going to stop to take care of the brute reality of keeping these lights [on]."

1 comment:

Joe said...

One of the best things he says is to NOT fall for the trap of imagining what you are passionate about and then pursuing that. Rather, find an opportunity [which you are good at] and become passionate about that.

Unfortunately, he didn't explain that what you think you want (or what you think gives you passion) may not actually be what gives you passion. Plus, few people know at 18 what they really want.

One of the cruelest lessons in life, especially highly self-aware people, is finding you aren't actually great at your passion. (A fellow photography student was very passionate and absolutely horrible. Another had a very good eye for subjects, but had a weakness in composition and light balance, which our professor found very frustrating.)