Books to Movies: Fellowship, Bill the Pony, and Animals are a Lot of Work

In the movie, Bill the pony, shows up when the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. In the book, Bill shows up much earlier since he was obtained in Bree. (I will discuss much later how Tolkien never forgets the importance of supplies.)

Bill isn't used in the movie between when the four hobbits and Aragorn leave Bree and when Frodo arrives at the Ford. Having the hobbits and Aragorn trek through the area on foot makes more visual sense. It also emphasizes the horse chase when it does occur. 

And, too, it means not having to deal with an animal until necessary. 

Animals are notoriously difficult for filmmakers, rather like children on camera. Watch Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters try to get a duck to quack or a skunk to spray: their attempts bring home how suspiciously compliant animals on film appear to behave. Or, to be less cynical, how good their trainers are. 

In truth... 

Animals are not compliant at all! 

Plus there are the thousands of forms the filmmakers have to sign in order to be able to declare "No animals were harmed in the making of this movie..."

On that note--Bill, who is sent away before the Fellowship enters Moria, does survive in the book!  

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