Books to Movies: Sherlock Holmes' Books That Would Make Fantastic Movies

The Ranpo Edogawa Boy Detectives Club books would make fantastic movies.

Eugene Woodbury has translated the following:

The Space Alien

The Bronze Devil

The Phantom Doctor

Big Gold Bullion

Of them all, the last publication would possibly be the easiest to film, relying less on steam punk machines and related strongholds (which, for studios with larger budgets, would make for very fun viewing) and more on clues, a disguise, a hunt for treasure, and an escape. 

All of those elements are in there from the beginning, starting with a startling burglary and possible assassin. The book never slows down! 

The Sherlock Holmes is Detective Kogoro Akechi. His Watson is the equivalent of a Baker Street Irregular, only Yoshio Kobayash is better cared for (and goes to school).

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