Grammar & Language Moment: Psych

Script writers are writers. They are always playing with language and often they work their uncertainties about language into a script. 

In the first season Psych episode "9 Lives," Shawn becomes temporary owner of a cat. He claims he will use the cat to solve the crime. Gus protests the pure silliness. 

Shawn proclaims, "[This cat] has more integrity in his furry little hand--"

"Paw," Gus interjects, deadpan.

"--paw than most people have in their whole appendages--"

At this point, much like the writers in the back room, Shawn pauses and considers: 

"--appendages--all of--"

He then reworks the final phrase: 

"--than most people have in all of their appendages...combined."  

Psych also has one of my favorite "perfect word" issues in which Gus and Shawn discuss whether to call a briefcase an attache. Briefcase and attache do have different connotations! 

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