Best Non-Revenge Scene

In The Closer, Season 6, Flynn is attacked. Consequently, the squad goes through his files to discover who, out of the many people Flynn has arrested, might wish Flynn dead. 

Coming across one such suspect, Flynn admits that when the man was found guilty in court for one crime, Flynn vowed to spend the rest of his life proving that the man committed another, more heinous crime!


The squad looks at Flynn. So, did you? 

Flynn shrugs. "Other stuff came up," he says. 

I love this, and it reminds me of a passage in one of C.J. Cherryh's novels where the protagonist discovers that "sleep" in hyperspace has even more ameliorating effects than sleep in everyday life. He comes out of hyperspace with a calmer attitude, aspects of his life placed in proportion. Some things simply aren't as important any more, including grudges. Like with Flynn, time and rest inexorably moved him on.

This is why (fallen) angels are inherently more prideful than humans. They never sleep--they never take a break. 

And this is why, too, mortality is a gift.

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