Great Researcher's Moment: Star Trek TOS

Love the 19th century title in 60's lava lamp design!
Coy, Spock and Kirk are stuck on an spaceship masquerading as an asteroid. They have to figure out how to correct the ship/asteroid's course. The multi-generational ship has kept its inhabitants compliant with a religion of obedience. Eventually, at McCoy's direction, Kirk and Spock break into a chamber and locate the religion's sacred text.

"Is it indexed?" Kirk says.

"Yes, it is," Spock replies.

Gotta love those fundamentalists with their indexed religious instructional manuals!*

But you know, I appreciate that the writers didn't make Spock able to instantly read the whole thing in 2 seconds. An index was more  believable. 
*It is the manual for the ship--which of course begs the question, Wouldn't it be more interesting if all technical writing was like this?
Trekmovie calls this a "cram session."

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