In "Wages of Love," the Season 2 episode that I believe to be largely based on the Mrs. Harris case, Cerreta pushes his partner to reopen a case. Instead of arresting the female victim's boyfriend, they should be arresting the male victim's wife.
About the son of this totally dysfunctional family, he says to Logan, "Why did he say, 'My mother wouldn't kill my father.' Why didn't he say, 'My mother didn't kill my father'?"
Later, Cerreta and Logan present their conclusions to their boss.
Ah. Yes, the difference between tenses or, rather, the difference between modal verbs (see below) does matter--to English teachers and Hollywood scriptwriters.
This is when I remark, "They don't make television like they used to . . ."
Except, okay, truthfully, Hollywood scriptwriters are constantly working grammar and vocabulary issues into their scripts.
So, more to follow . . .
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