Great Quote About Hot Weather

One of the funniest aspects of Thai series is how often people complain about the weather. 

The complaints fall into the same category as bumper stickers and memes about heat in the Southwest: Okay, it's hot, but it's DRY heat.

Of course, these complaints are often accompanied by loyal defenses:

Wouldn't you rather live here and not have to shovel snow? 

At least we don't get....earthquakes, tornadoes, mudslides, humidity....

And so on. 

Characters on Thai series refer to heat a great deal: "Man, it is hot! Way too hot!" A home or business with air conditioning is often commended.  

My favorite example comes from My School President: "It's hot every day. It's either hot or hellfire hot." 

It is not hellishly hot in Maine, but it is summer, hence the summer quote. 

1 comment:

Dan said...

Best hot weather quote and scene comes from the movie "The Sandlot". The boys are at the field waiting for Benny to show up with a new baseball. But it's "150 degrees" and too hot to play ball. The memorable line is Ham saying "I'm baking like a toasted cheeser!" What really sells the point of the heat is when Benny puts the question to play up to a vote on his terms, he still loses.
This pop isn't working, Benny.

I'm baking like a toasted cheeser!

It's so hot here!

It's 150 degrees out there.

You can't play baseball.

- You have to call it for the day.

- You gotta listen to him, Benny.

Vote then.

Anybody who wants to be...

a "can't hack it" pantywaist...

who wears their mama's bra,

raise your hand.

- Yeah, I can handle that.

- [Chattering In Agreement]