Blame It on the Large Hadron Collider Day

Yup! That's today, September 10th. 

Blame It on the Large Hadron Collider Day is actually about blaming the LHC for lost items...not, necessarily, the end of life as we know it. 

I think the day is hilarious. I think the larger fear that rose up when the LHC was started is just sad.

A few semesters ago, one of my students polled the class: Who would go into space if offered?

The amazing result was...very few. 

Now, granted, I might not if the opportunity actually arose. I could travel and rarely do. But the idea that I would be entirely uninterested, indifferent, or just opposed astonishes me. 

What has happened to the desire to explore?! 

I feel the same way about the Hadron Collider. Okay, so it could rip apart the universe and send us all to destruction. So what? It's trying to discover the secrets of the universe! Woo-hoo!!

It's a little sad that the woo-hoo is so absent these days. Do people really just want to fuss about politics, throw around labels, and ask AI what to think? 

Wow, that was crotchety-sounding. I must be getting old. 

Of course, that means I'm still here.

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