Great Character Actor: Joel David Moore

Joel David Moore is a gifted actor. He is one of the strongest recurring interns on Bones and quite notably leads the discussions in the 9-11 tribute episode that covers the crash into the Pentagon.

He appears in Forever, a series that I rewatch every few years. It is one of those beloved series that only lasted one season. Joel David Moore plays Henry's assistant, Lucas, in the lab. He plays much the same character as he does on Bones, if a little less morbid and slightly more extroverted. Moore has perfect comedic timing and can tackle a range of emotions.

It's a pity the show Forever didn't last longer. As on Bones, Lucas followed by the detective could have been brought into Henry's private circle. But Adam's deliberate actions threw the first season out of kilter--when he would have served better as the Cigarette Smoking Man in the shadows--or Harrison Wells the The Flash, Season 1.

Wherever the show might have gone, the single season and its well-acted characters are worth investing in! 


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