Upcoming June Holidays: Dinosaur Day and Insect Repellent Awareness Day

June 1st: Dinosaur Day

I confess: I wasn't one of those kids growing up who was enthralled by T-Rex and Brontosaurus whatever. In any case, that craze didn't really take off until I was in my teens. 

But I completely and totally get the interest! I've seen Jurassic Park several times and despite Wayne Knight's fantastic performance, I would argue that the film is less about villains and action sequences and more about the dinosaurs themselves, the idea of being able to stroll through a land filled with dinosaurs, some dangerous, some not. 

I also find it infinitely touching that the beloved T-Rex is the hero at the end. 

June 3rd: Insect Repellent Awareness Day 

This holiday, like many modern holidays in the West, may sound cute but actually has a serious point. Malaria was and is a problem, not simply a historical-sounding disease. 

Having made that point, the scene in Frasier when Niles brings an entire suitcase of insect repellent to the cabin is a GREAT way to celebrate the day (see 2:30 in the video below).  


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