O is for Ohhhkay

O'Connor, Flannery: I've read O'Connor's well-written rather horrible story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." It is one of those "classic" stories that students have to read in Intro to Lit courses. I've never cared for it, but another tutor and I were able to use O'Connor's story to illustrate the principle of multi-interpretations when we debated the grandmother's last line to the Misfit: "Why you're one of my babies. You're one of my children!"

Is she losing her mind? Has she had a revelation of mercy? Does she feel compassion for the Misfit? Does she recognize the similar mindset between her and the Misfit?

"You see," we told the students (who were hoping we would just tell them what the story "means"). "We both read the story and have differing viewpoints. We have to defend our interpretations with evidence from the text."

Ah, formalism at its best!  

O'Brien, Kim: I read Kim O'Brien and Janette Oke for the first A-Z List

O'Brien, Tim: I've come across Tim O'Brien's short story "The Things We Carried" from the book of the same name as assigned reading to various students. Consequently, I've become familiar with it. It's well-written!

O'Dell, Scott: I associate Scott O'Dell with children's and YA books, but I spotted him on the shelf in the general fiction section at the local library. He is a skilled writer! The book that was read to us at school was Island of the Blue Dolphins.

Ogilvie, Elisabeth: I read one of her books for book club. She does saga writing, a genre I hardly ever read (although I am currently giving Outlander a try).

O. Henry. Marvelous writer. Best known for short stories like "Gift of the Magi." The enchanting Wishbone's Dog Days of the West is based on an O. Henry character (and is the best, most hilarious Wishbone movie of the series).

Oke, Janette: I read Janette Oke and Kim O'Brien for the first A-Z List.

Anthony Andrews perfectly captures
Sir Percy Blakeney's blend of fop
and champion.
Orczy, Emma or Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála "Emmuska" Orczy de Orci: I haven't just seen the movies; I've read The Scarlet Pimpernel

Speaking of...the movies, I highly recommend the Anthony Andrews' version.

Orwell, George: Animal Farm, naturally! Good book. Not the kind of thing I read more than once.

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